Apr 14, 2010
God says, "I write the songs AND books the whole world sings & reads!"
by Joni Ames
Dear Friends,I felt prompted by the Lord to send this email out to those of you God has called to write in this time and season - you know who you are! Many of you have had prophecy on top of prophecy about it - have started writing from time to time and not finished yet - and some (like me) may even have SEVERAL books started, with none completed yet!The Lord spoke to me through an old song by Barry Manilow called "I Write The Songs," and He says to us: "I DO write the songs AND books the whole world sings & reads! - But I use people like YOU to do it through! If you will just be obedient to spend time with me, I will use you to reach the masses through the written word, and through psalms, songs, and poems in this season."He then handed me a basket with a quill pen, tablet of paper, and what looked like a hand held digital recorder in it and gave this verse to me in Psalm 45:1:"My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."It is interesting that it says "My TONGUE is the pen of a ready writer." - I meet many people who say they don't have time to "sit" and write. But you don't need to! You can use a digital recorder to speak into it what the Lord would have you to write, and then later transfer it to your computer - or even get someone else to do it for you!Very often when talking to others or speaking at a church, new revelation begins to come forth as we speak. "Catch" those things, because your very TONGUE is that pen that God will use to pour forth revelatory messages to His people.Another thing in this is that it isn't just religious books and songs God wants us to write. He has many stories to be told, and many things to be written. Do not put yourself or God in a box. He may want you to write country or rock songs that reach the world! He may want you to do children's albums or books, cook books, teaching manuals, a biography, a history book, a math book, poetry, a photo book, or a collection of beautiful art you've drawn or painted - only you and He know what He has spoken to you to write! So just do it!Or He may want you to simply write letters to your family or friends! - Imagine that! - Picking up a pen and sending an actual note through the U.S. Mail system!!! What a blessing that is to the one who receives it on the other end! - Or even in the email. But truly, grasp this kairos time of anointing and do not let it slip by you if you are one He has spoken to about writing.I'm NOT talking about "automatic writing" by the power of some demon spirit. And I am NOT saying we will be writing new scripture! Let's not get any crazy here! - However, I am talking about hearing the Lord's heart, and listening to your own, regarding the passion He gives to you to write on the topic(s) He gives to you. - And, by the way, let's do the best job at it that we can. We need to do research on our topics, get expert advise that we may need, and have several qualified people help to edit.My good friend Debbie Joyner-Johnson has written an awesome book for potential writers called "Write To Ignite." Rick Joyner endorsed it and says that this book can be used as a manual for all writers. - Even if it is written by his sister!You can see more about it or purchase it at this link: We are stepping into a time of "suddenlies," Let that book God has spoken to you be yours!=======PRAYER=======Lord, forgive us for procrastinating on writing what you've given to us to do. Thank you for this kairos time and season of anointing and redemption to get it done. May we be found faithful!In Jesus' name, amen.- Joni Ames
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